Author: Jordan Usrey

  • Discover the Art of Serving at a Banquet

    What is a banquet servers role? Banquet servers are the ones that bring the food and drinks to the big parties and events that require catering. Banquet servers are responsible for refilling guests’ drinks, clearing their dishes before the following course, and fielding any inquiries they may have. Instead of taking pre-selected dishes, some banquet…

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  • Steps to Take to Start Teaching Phlebotomy

    For individuals seeking a career in healthcare, phlebotomy presents a multitude of job prospects. Instructors in the field of phlebotomy play a crucial role in preparing students for the challenges and responsibilities of the profession. You can figure out if being a phlebotomist teacher is something you want to accomplish with your career by reading…

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  • Learn More About the Many Different Nursing Specialties

    I bet you didn’t realize that the US employs over 4.2 million registered nurses. For those seeking high wages, flexible schedules, and employment stability, a career in healthcare is an excellent choice. Becoming a nurse would provide you the chance to serve people while also letting you enjoy life to the fullest. Earning potential is…

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  • Developing Strong Connections: The Importance of Relationships in a Fast-Changing Workplace

    You have entered a world where the key to professional success isn’t merely a network of contacts, but rather, knowing the right people. Relationship building is at the heart of what we’re discussing, not only attending formal meetings and networking events. How well you know someone is more important than who you know in today’s…

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  • A Comprehensive Guide on Becoming a Cosmetic Dentist

    The area of cosmetic dentistry, which focuses on enhancing patients’ smiles, is rapidly expanding. Thanks to recent technological developments, becoming a cosmetic dentist is now easier than ever before. Please continue reading if you are thinking about making cosmetic dentistry your profession. If you are interested in becoming a cosmetic dentist, this book will show…

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  • These Five Countries are Where American Tech Workers are Being Recruited the Most

    American IT expertise is in high demand, and companies all over the globe are eager to recruit. Deel is a worldwide HR and payroll provider; their latest tech migration report ranks the United States as the country with the second-highest number of tech workers employed elsewhere. Positioned between India (with the most foreign IT professionals)…

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  • The Requirements of Becoming a Detective

    Becoming a detective can be accomplished in a number of ways, each with its own unique needs. Detectives who have received the right kind of instruction, training, and certification are better able to safeguard and assist their communities. But becoming a detective is not a job for everyone; one must acquire the title via hard…

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  • The Ins and Outs of Becoming an LPN

    What is an LPN? A licensed practical nurse (LPN) is a medical practitioner who tends to a patient’s most fundamental requirements. Helping patients with activities such as eating, bathing, and dressing are part of this. A licensed practical nurse (LPN) may also assist a doctor or registered nurse (RN) in their practice. Accurate patient records…

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  • How Can You Write a Security Report?

    A big component of keeping a physical place secure is reporting observations and incidents. These reports record procedures, provide evidence of order, describe individual occurrences, and highlight problem areas. As a security officer or manager of security staff, you should be familiar with the characteristics of credible and purposeful documentation. A sample security report, together…

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  • You Should Consider These Barista Certificates.

    When looking for a job at a café or coffee shop, a barista certification might be an asset. Acquiring the credential of “certified barista” will attest to your expertise in the art of coffee brewing, serving, and presentation. The coffee market is quite competitive, therefore it’s important to learn about barista credentials so you can…

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