Discover the Art of Serving at a Banquet

What is a banquet servers role?

Banquet servers are the ones that bring the food and drinks to the big parties and events that require catering. Banquet servers are responsible for refilling guests’ drinks, clearing their dishes before the following course, and fielding any inquiries they may have. Instead of taking pre-selected dishes, some banquet servers take individual table requests for food and drink. 

Salary range

Banquet servers might be employed full-time, part-time, or seasonal, or they can be hired on an as-needed basis. The going rate for banquet servers is usually around $15 per hour, though that could change based on factors including the frequency of tipping and your specific region. 

Standard hourly wage in the United States: $16.34

Services needed by banquet servers

Depending on the position you’re applying for, banquet servers may be required to meet specific standards, such as:


Even though most employers don’t insist on a specific degree for entry-level banquet servers, many do prefer candidates with a high school diploma or GED certificate in addition to relevant work experience. Those who work as banquet servers and want to go up the corporate ladder can study culinary arts, food service management, or hotel management.


Many people who work as banquet servers learn the ins and outs of their trade via on-the-job training. Several weeks of this training could be required as part of a new job’s orientation. As part of their training, aspiring banquet servers typically observe more experienced servers at work and mimic their every move until they feel confident enough to work alone.

Skills like customer service, organization, and time management can be transferred to a new job by banquet servers with suitable expertise. 


Obtaining a certification is a great way for professionals to demonstrate their skills and expertise to prospective employers. Certifications can help banquet servers learn the ins and outs of their jobs, develop their professional abilities, and climb the corporate ladder.

How do you become a banquet server?

Getting ready to work as a banquet server often involves the following steps:

Having relevant experience.

Serving as a food runner, busser, or service assistant are all entry-level support jobs that can provide you with valuable experience. Working at fast food joints, diners, or other types of casual restaurants or stores is another great way to hone your customer service abilities.

Acquire credentials in a specific field. 

Banquet servers are often expected to have certain safety certificates, such as those in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), food safety, and alcohol serving, however these are not always necessary.

Prepare your resume.

On your CV, you should highlight your employment history, certifications, and greatest level of education. Include the name of the company, the dates of your employment, and a brief description of your duties, talents, and accomplishments in your job experience.

Send your resume in for entry-level jobs. 

Take a look at the local job market right now. Submit your resume for jobs where you demonstrate the skills and experience necessary to succeed. Employers are more likely to invite you for an interview if you demonstrate your qualifications. Include a cover letter that highlights your qualifications for the position and firm, in addition to the resume you prepared.

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