Category: Job Resources

  • 9 Ways to Fight Off Your Debt

    (opens in a new tab) Want to know how to get out of debt quicker than you are right now? Here are nine plans of action that can hasten your arrival at independence from money. 1) Make a financial plan You need to curb your spending patterns before you can stop piling up debt. Establish…

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  • Helpful Tips to Avoid Spending All Your Money on a Job Interview

    Just how much do you have to spend to get a new job? The terrible truth is that it depends on many factors. According to a survey, 27% of those who spent money during their search spent more than $200 on things like apparel (39%), transportation (22%), and travel (22%). Your job search in your…

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  • Preventing Job Search Anxiety

    The process of looking for a new job can be difficult for anyone. Anxiety, despair, and pessimism can result from the stress of looking for a job and not knowing if you will be successful. When people are discouraged, they are less likely to take the steps that would speed up their job search. The…

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  • How to Get Your First Job Without Experience

    The “experience conundrum” has long been the most significant barrier to entry when searching for a first job. Companies are hesitant to hire you without experience, yet there’s no way to get that experience without getting a job. But that’s starting to alter. Current labor shortages are having an effect on virtually every sector of…

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  • “Why Financial Services?” How to Answer this Interview Question

    “Why Financial Services?”, several strategies can help you produce a convincing response to this interview question: First, learn as much as possible about the organization and position. Make sure you know as much as possible about the organization and the position before going in for an interview. This data is readily available on the company’s website, social…

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  • How To Spot A Job Scam?

    You’ve seen job postings on job boards, job search sites, Craigslist, Monster, and you want to apply for some of them because they seem great! You can work at home, the pay is good, and sometimes there’s no real experience required. However, the job almost seems too perfect, and something doesn’t feel right! If you…

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  • How To Write A Job Application Cover Letter

    There’s nothing wrong with writing a cover letter to go along with your resume. A cover letter typically accompanies a resume when applying for jobs, although it may also be sent independently as part of an online application process. The following tips will help you write your cover letter effectively. #1: Customize Your Letter Make…

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  • A Guide On How to Write A Resume

    Knowing how to write a resume is a necessary skill in the workplace when it comes to getting hired. With this step-by-step guide, you can learn what information goes where and why on your resume. We’ll start with the basics, and then we’ll move on. Let’s begin! When creating your resume, keep in mind the…

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  • Zoom Interview Mistakes To Avoid

    The zoom job interview is the next big thing in interviewing. It’s an emerging technology that allows for more personalized interviews with potential candidates by taking the traditional interview process up a notch. Many companies use it because of its convenience and effectiveness, but not all employers follow the best practices to ensure that they…

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  • Job Interview Preparation: Common Questions You Will Encounter

    The most anticipated step after you apply for a job is an interview, and no matter how many you go through, you may get a little nervous before meeting your interviewer. The best way to reduce anxiety is to practice the most common questions to avoid being surprised during your meeting. Trust us, it happens…

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